The concepts are sprites, and I will continue to sprite a few more so I'll have the concepts put up soon as a blog update. I've conceptualized some number of enemies that might be in Labcoax but I haven't compiled them yet. My only complain is the length of the game - it is quite short and offers very (very!) little replayability for the hefty game price. The platforming is quite polished, though clunky but I believe the developer intended it. The art, everything from the in-game sprites (heroine, enemies, background) is phenomenal by H-game standard. Throughout the game players can unlock 7 animated hand-drawn CGs (frames are not many) in the gallery and omake for in-game sprite sex. The game paces slowly, and continues the pace until Stage-3 where you have to suddenly move and act quickly or become overwhelmed by the zombie horde that trails you. Protozoa from other animals in the ceca of parasite - free chicks. You have to do complete runs of each stage as losing in one will send you back to the beginning of chosen stage. The game isn't very long and is split into three stages in total. It's a shitty start, but it gets better (for the player at least). Stumbling out of her crib, she encounters an undead cop, and promptly falls into a manhole after a short tangle with said cop. In the game you play a heroine who wakes up one day to find that everyone has turned into sex-crazed zombies (how convenient!) in her city. Parasite in City has just been released a couple of days ago by developers Pixel Factory. There's a japanese H-developer that is recently making waves on the scene, and there ain't no better time than to do it during the holidays.