Transform Hours into Minutes with Kutools for Excel!

Step 7: In the coming Save As dialog box, enter a name for this workbook in the File name box, and click the Save as type box and select Excel Template (*.xltx) from drop down list, at last click the Save button. Step 6: Click the File > Save > Computer > Browse in Excel 2013, or click the File/ Office button > Save in Excel 20. Step 5: Calculate the total money of each project or client: In Cell B11 enter =SUMIF(A$2:A$7,A11, J$2:J$7), and then drag the Fill Handle to the Range your need (in our case drag to the Range B12:B13). (3) In Cell J8 enter =SUM(J2:J7) and press the Enter key. (2) In Cell H8 enter =SUM(H2:H7) and press the Enter key. (1) In Cell F8 enter =SUM(F2:F7) and press the Enter key. Step 4: Get the subtotal of working hours, overtime, and earned money: Step 3: Calculate the total money of every day: In Cell J2 enter =F2*G2+H2*I2, and drag the Fill Handle down to the range you need (in our case, drag to the Range J2:J7.) If your working hours are not 8 hours per day, please change the 8 to the number of your working hours in both formulas.

Note: We normally work for 8 hours per day. (2) In Cell H2 enter =IF((E2-D2)*24>8,(E2-D2)*24-8,0), and drag the Fill Handle down to the range you need. In our case, we apply the formula into Range F2: F7. (1) In Cell F2 enter =IF((E2-D2)*24>8,8,(E2-D2)*24), and drag the Fill Handle down to the range you need. Step 2: Calculate the working hours and overtime with formulas:

Step 1: Prepare your table as the following screen shot show, and input your data. To create a billable hour table and save as an Excel template, you can do as following: